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Despina StokouDas 2 Minuten InterviewDespina Stokou ist Künstlerin und Chefredakteurin von Bpigs, dem Berlin Independent Guide. Die gebürtige Athenerin ging auf einen englischsprachigen Kindergarten in Saudi Arabien, besuchte eine deutschsprachige High School in Athen und ihr erstes Wort war Giraffe. Sie ist fasziniert von Zitaten und geflügelten Worten, hat aber kein gutes Gedächtnis und muss alles was sie sich merken muss aufschreiben. Womit sie gar keine Probleme hat sind Farben. Ihren Abschluss machte sie an der UdK Berlin, was sie nicht davor zurückhält ihre Kunst in London, Berlin, Athen, Wien und New York auszustellen. Sie verschenkt gerne Astronautenanzüge und wird im nächsten Leben wahrscheinlich als Kaktus wiedergeboren – aber lest selbst.
Name: Despina Stokou |
What makes you proud? My work
What the heck does Bpigs mean? It all started with Portugal Ireland Greece Spain
Name your favorite place anywhere in the world? That place by the sea on Hydra
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Berlin? Straussberger Platz
The most inspiring person you’ve ever met? Real or imaginary?
The perfect sunday is… Over
Time, pleasure or money? Time for pleasure
If you were a tree, what would you be? A cactus
If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play the role of YOU? Leonardo di Caprio, hands down!
What was the last gift you gave someone? A NASA astronaut suit. |
What is the biggest prejudice you have to deal with? People think I am the yellow pages.
What was your biggest success? The curators battle was pretty awesome.
If we visit you at home, what would you cook for us? Pop corn
When was the last time that you tried something completely new? I ate just a little piece of a heart not too long ago.
What would you change in the world if you’d had the power to? The way information is spread, the media, journalists.
How would people communicate in a perfect world? Same way they do now, imperfectly.
A thing nobody should know about you? I have never done drugs.
Which question did we forget to ask? „What is the name of your favorite pet?“
The last word: Avocados |